All Natural Catnip products

Catnip (Nepeta cataria) is a perennial herb in the mint family (labiatae) with a well known funny healthy effect on our beloved cats!
From The Field catnip is grown in USA, in the best outdoor conditions: high elevation, good drainage, warm and a dry climate. We harvest our catnip with care. We only provide the industries with catnip that is no more than one year from harvest. We strive to maintain the best harvesting condition that are in harmony with nature, that is why our catnip is organically grown.
We have been growing catnip for 20 years. Our fields are all situated in Washington state.
Our catnip is a cut above most, as we let the plant reach full maturity before it is harvested, so it is loaded with pure essential oil and blooms. Plus we only offer catnip that is no more than one year old from harvest.
The active natural Chemical present in catnip is ‘Nepetalactone’. Cats have a special gland at the roof of their mouth called ‘Vomeronasal’. Nepetalactone is similar to cats natural pheromones, and it is through that gland that cats get the well known effect of catnip!
Our catnip is Non-GMO!
We offer different formats of catnip: Leaf and Flower, Whole Buds, Fine ground kitty safe, catnip pellets, and catnip essential oil liquid spray Rejuvenator.
We also created 2 unique blends: Valerian root/catnip and Silver vine/catnip.
Here,you can find a wide variety of catnip and cat attractants mix in different containers, bags and beautiful clear top tin cans.
For More in depth information about the catnip plant, its uses, and “do’s and don’t’s”, visit our FAQ section
Provide a healthy stimulating entertainment for our furry kings and queens!
For an in depth catnip format description, visit our bulk catnip section