Our Earth-Friendly Pet Products
We are offering some of the best cat and dog toys on the market. All of our toys are made in USA, with all natural organically grown materials like hemp, cork, and fresh catnip. Find out about our amazing Catnip Spray Rejuvenator, our Hemp Rope Dog Toys and our fashioned interactive Freddy’s Feather Wand, all available wholesale!
All Natural Cat Toys

Made from tough, natural hemp fabric, hemp rope, cork, organically grown catnip, valerian roots and silver vine, your cat will love our vast selection of unique all natural cat toys.
All Natural Catnip

Our catnip is fresh, potent and grown in USA. Offered in a variety of formats, sizes and packaging to meet all your catnip needs! Check out our special catnip blend mixes including Silver Vine and Valerian Root.
Unique Silver Vine Products

Visit our selection of Silver Vine Products here.
Silver Vine is a cat attractant that sometimes work with cats who don’t react to catnip
Catnip Buds!

Here are our all natural, USA grown catnip bud items.
They are the most potent dried catnip format you will find!
Mini-Max Line

Small Items With Great Value!
Smaller items are a great way to first test our catnip and toys with your cat at low cost!
All Natural Hemp Dog Toys

Our interactive dog toys are made with all natural, pure hemp rope. They come in bone shape and in stylish easy to handle and pull shape. All made in USA!
Purrfect Gift Kits

All natural all-in-one cat toy gift kits. Most of the gift kits includes one of our Catnip Oil Spray Rejuvenators.
Best Sellers

Find out our best sellers in this section.
They are items you don’t want to miss through our line of over 55 different awesome cat and dog toys (and catnip)!